Monica Makes Wellness

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I’m Back At It! Candy. Social. Anxiety.

Halloween wishes! I’m back at it! On candy and social anxiety.

While I have overcome my candy anxiety which took me years to reconcile. I still have anxiety when it comes to social media. Let me rephrase that, I was allowing social media to cause me anxiety. So, I decided to talk about it, to write about it, to work on it, to reconcile my relationship with it. I knew I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing or what I wasn’t doing. How could I reconcile my relationship with social media and have more fun, while I was doing it?

I have no anxiety when it comes to meeting new people, some would say meeting strangers and making conversation. My husband and I stopped for a spontaneous Sunday lunch on a lovely fall afternoon at Blue Mountain Barrel House and took in the mountains. I asked a group of guys in their late twenties, if they’d take a couple pictures of my husband and I with the LOVE sign that stands in their field decorated for Halloween. My thought became “I could share these images, maybe use on social?”

My husband and I were laughing while the group of guys took pictures. They were fun, they were having fun! They made us feel comfortable, so comfortable I didn’t realize how many pictures they took. We talked about life – their careers, dating in your 20’s. More thoughts “My husband was wearing his OrthoVirginia jacket. He may decide to share these images with @orthovirginia maybe they could use them for one of their social accounts?” What people do in their down time, their personal life, get outside, go for a drive in the mountains, see where you end up on a beautiful fall day.

I thought of us, my husband and I. Together we tacked-up a piece of the illustrated by hand cardboard skeleton bone that covered the “E” in LOVE, the zip tie that was holding the illustrated bone in place, was no longer functional. Seemed appropriate. I thought about the story my husband could tell. It turns out I was practicing what to write, what images I would use. My thought evolved “Why not use the images for my wellness coaching practice?”

It’s been several years in the making and October has turned into a month of powerful dates for me that have continued to stack-up. So, I decided I couldn’t let October pass me by, it was time for me to do something in October that doesn’t come easily to me.

Once it was reconciling my relationship with candy, now I’m applying that to my social presence.

So, as promised my top three tips when it comes to trick or treat candy:

I can’t take credit for this first tip it comes from a friend, purchase candy you don’t like.

Pass out your favorite candy first, so you’re not left with your favorite trick or treat leftovers.

If you find yourself with trick or treat leftovers decide on a date when the candy goes bye-bye, as in it leaves your house.

Candy anxiety? If you feel like you can’t resist trick or treat leftovers? Let’s chat!

Book a free consult call.

Monica Prahinski | Integrative Nutrition and Wellness Coach

certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition