Monica Makes Wellness

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On Giving Up. Chocolate. French Fries.

This one is for all of my give up and quit people. Giving up or quitting chocolate and french fries for Lent once was a thing for me. I can’t remember how many years it was my thing? It seemed like forever. The only problem was I could never stick with it!

Lately I’m hearing how people are going to give up this or that for Lent. My husband gave up sweets for Lent. Our family friend shared he gave up alcohol for Lent.

So there we were at one of our favorite local restaurants my husband looking somewhat longingly at the homemade bread pudding that our family friend had ordered and our family friend was minus his usual cocktail of choice.

Four years ago I reframed giving up and quitting. Now I’m more of a “How can I make a choice so, I feel better?” kind of person.

That’s when I couldn’t help myself and dropped my idea of reframing into the conversation. I just had to ask them “How do you feel about giving up sweets or alcohol?” Does it sound different when you say “I decided to take a day off from sweets or alcohol.” So, by the end of dinner someone at the table had embraced the idea that there is the possibility to think 1% differently during Lent. And, possibly beyond Lent.

Note on the cake: This is the cake I make by request for the men in my family, on their birthday.