Monica Makes Wellness

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12 Hours. 12 Months. 12 Years.

Last week our son left for college. I decided I wouldn’t go bananas if I didn’t write a piece or a blog last week. I would give myself grace.

My son and I were sorting through his take this, not that piles. I wanted him to pack a bottle brush to clean his Yeti water bottle. Okay, maybe not realistic? He turned to me and said “I know how to do this that’s why I boarded last year.” (12 months ago.) Our son had boarded for part of his senior year in high school. I knew he was trying to tell me “Mom, I got this! Okay?”

I thought I was being helpful in the last 12 hours prior to his departure. I was still for a moment and realized he’d been preparing for this for 12 years. Of course, he was prepared! I moved from feeling helpful to feeling proud, proud he could articulate how he felt, proud he communicated gently and proud he could pack his remaining piles on his own. So, that’s exactly what I let him do, while I promptly scheduled myself a pedicure for later that afternoon!

So, lately I’m a little obsessed with disruption. I love the word, I love the whole concept! My husband and I are living in and with disruption right now with our son off on his next big adventure, college! Disruption can be advantageous. Think of it as a time or opportunity for change. Is there disruption in your life? Maybe it’s right now?

What do you want to reclaim? What have you been waiting on? You know the “maybe next month” that you are now ready to achieve?

Yes, I want to take advantage of disruption!

Book a free consult or email me, love to hear from you –

Sending my very best,


Monica Prahinski

Integrative Nutrition + Wellness Coach

certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition