Start Somewhere. My Somewhere.

I was a woman that thought today is the the day! Today I’m going to be really good and eat healthy. There were days I couldn’t imagine starting a diet because seriously, I was thinking about food all the time! I dreaded the word, diet because that meant deprivation and things I couldn’t or wouldn’t be allowed to eat. I’d eat breakfast and then by 10:30 a.m. I’d be so hungry, which meant it was time for a snack, a piece of dark chocolate, an energy or protein bar, so I could “make it” to lunch. By late afternoon I thought I’m done, forget it, this isn’t working! Besides, it’s the weekend and almost time for a glass of wine and some nuts or a piece of cheese, maybe both? I’ll start my “eat healthy” plan tomorrow, next week or next month. This went on for years!

Two summers ago I made a decision and worked on what I referred to as my own self-improvement. I knew what to do, but I wasn’t doing it. I spent 12 weeks with a coach. Then I spent another 12 weeks on my own experimenting in the kitchen. That’s when I thought – What if I could help? What if I could lend support, draw from my experience and coach one woman, so she could achieve her ideal weight goal?

What if achieving your ideal weight goal didn’t mean total deprivation? What if your kitchen became a resource? What if you weren’t exhausted by the time you started dinner prep? Consider this, the kitchen is where you have the most control, the most control when it comes to your food.

What do you want to reclaim? Your ideal weight, your energy or simply the ability to prep dinner and, not default to take-out?

It’s all possible!

Yes, I want to achieve results in weeks, instead of years!

I’ve maintained what I thought was my ideal weight for two years. Curious?


12 Hours. 12 Months. 12 Years.